Saturday, February 27, 2010

Lomg time no post!

Okay, so it's been FOREVER since I have posted anything and now I feel way behind. Time absolutely flies by when you have children and I'm not sure I like that! You spend your early years wishing it would go by faster and when you have children of your own, you wish it would slow never ceases to amaze me....and Mawmaw, you are right, the older you get the faster it goes by (I won't ever forget you saying that to me and I probably laughed when you did)!
We had an amazing 1st Christmas with Bryson and family! He really enjoyed playing with the paper...go figure. Next year will be even better when he understands what the beautiful paper is hiding! :)

Milestones within the last few months:
  • He took his first steps a few days before Xmas, which was his 9 month b-day. He is a determined little guy...wonder where he gets that from?!?
  • By 10 months he was trying to run...and continues to try this even after many falls.
  • Four teeth have come in but in a unique (and a little freaky) way so far. The front bottoms came in first and then the fangs...yes, I said FANGS! I was expecting the top front teeth next but no, we can't do things "normally", so everyone gets a kick out of seeing his fangs.
  • At his 9 month appointment he measured in the 90th percentile for height! He just shot up, yet he was only in the 25th for weight. It's still hard to believe he came out so tiny!
  • "No" is a funny word these days. I need to work on keeping a straight face! Little stinker!
  • B knows some sign language and all kinds of animals. He really likes owls, cats, dogs, lions, horses, and monkeys...maybe because of the noises they make when we do flash cards! :)
  • AND finally my favorite....he gives Mommy kisses! He even teases me when I ask for one but caves in and gives the best wet kisses ever!
I am so amazed that in less than a month my baby will be a 1 year old. I am already starting to think back about how he made his grand appearance into this world. We are truly lucky and eternally grateful to all those that made it possible for us to be parents to such a beautiful child. I have a feeling his birthday will be a huge celebration yet an emotional one too. Cory laughs at me because I want to do his birthday up BIG, even though he is only going to be 1. If any, this one should be huge because we almost didn't have our little miracle a year ago. I am determined to make sure that my children know that every year is a celebration and that it should be fun and BIG!

Here are some pictures from the last few months:

Bryson's "squinty face" that I LOVE...he is already such a funny guy and a ham!

Happy boy!

Playing around with my camera

Reindeer butt...this outfit has been worn by all the kids...we laugh everytime!

Playing with his new toys from Christmas

Mimi and Pop got him a Retro Rocket that he absolutely loves to ride on

Yes son, you are surrounded by girls!

My 2 favorite guys

Go Falcons!! He likes wearing hats, especially his Air Force hat!

Kora turned 2 this year! Wow, time sure flies by!

Our traveling boy

With cousin Ava in her new ride

He has graduated to a big boy car seat!!

My Valentine. Thanks Kiki for the handsome shirt you made!

SNOW!!! It tastes so good.

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