Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Picture with Santa...not too bad!

We took Bryson to Santa's Wonderland here in College Station, which is a really neat place! There is a drive-thru to see a ton of lights and a "santa's Town" where they have a huge fire pit, singing and dancing, shops, petting zoo, hayrides, carriage rides, pictures with the BEST Texas Santa and much more! Of course we couldn't pass up the kettle corn....yummy! We didn't know how Bryson would react to sitting on Santa's lap but he seemed okay at first. He just stared in confusion UNTIL Santa stood him up on his lap facing him so that B could get a really good look at him. At that point the lip curled and the wailing began. It was too cute!

We had to do the hayride to see the lights, which was so fun for Bryson! He was so excited, jumping up and down, and making all kinds of funny noises and faces. I can't wait to do this again when he can run around and play with other kids and really get into it!

MERRY CHRISTMAS and Happy Holidays everyone!

Silly/excited face!

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