Friday, March 6, 2009

Already Full of Surprises!

Well it has definitely been an eventful week so far! We are now 34 1/2 weeks pregnant and I am just glad to still have the little man baking a bit longer. Last Friday I went to the hospital with false labor (Braxton Hicks) contractions that were beginning to increase in number. Cory and I thought that we would be there for a little while so that they can monitor me and then let us go. We had planned a date night, dinner and a movie, but ended up having our "date" in the hospital for 4 nights!! It was going to be our Babymoon weekend of fun and relaxation...HA!

I was terrified that Bryson was going to make his grand entrance at 33 weeks...very scary. I ended up having a slight fever when I arrived at the hospital and the beginning of a bladder infection, which is what they say probably triggered all this chaos. I was on antibiotics and a couple other medications to help stop the contractions from going into real labor for 5 days. Needless to say, I am now thankfully home but on bed rest. No more work, working out or anything....ugh, this is going to be hard! I am extremely grateful that Bryson is doing well now and that my Mom and sister came in town to take care of me for a few days...Thank YOU!

They have helped out so much by getting everything ready for his arrival if he still decides to come early and they made sure that I was well fed and relaxed. They are awesome! Unfortunately they had to leave today but it was really nice to have them here for a while. Now I am restricted to the couch, the bed and the bathroom...that's about least for a few more days.

I had an appointment yesterday with the doc and he said that everything looks great and that I will be able to move around a bit more next week. That is great to hear because I don't want to miss the Austin baby shower next weekend! I am determined to make it as long as I keep improving. I can't wait to get out of the house and see everyone!! Keep your fingers crossed that Bryson doesn't get too impatient (he already takes after him Mom!). :)

1 comment:

JoElla Reinhardt said...

Let me know if I can do anything! I am just a hop, skip and a jump away!!!