Wednesday, November 4, 2009

A Monkey Halloween

Bryson and I celebrated Halloween in Austin with my family. Unfortunately Cory couldn't come with us due to what's new?!? We went to my niece's school for a their Fall Festival, which my sis did a great job running (poor thing was exhausted after being in charge of something so grand!). Little Miss Ava ended up having to go to the doctor that day because she was running a fever and wasn't able to go to the festival...we all felt SO bad for her! I was really excited to go trick-or-treating with the girls and Bryson but since Ava was sick, we ended up going back to my parents for the night. I was so bummed to not get a picture of all the kids dressed up.

We had to still dress Bryson up for the big night in his cute monkey costume even though he had no idea what the big deal was. Dad and I decided to walk around the neighborhood so that Bryson could see how it's done! He was so cute and clueless but enjoyed watching other groups of kids laughing and running door to door. More than anything, it was just good quality time with Pop!

Here is the monkey:

1 comment:

Mamie said...

oh my goodness he's adorable.