Thursday, December 11, 2008

So Much to be Thankful for!

I hope that everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving and are ready for the next big holiday...yea Christmas! This has definitely been a magical year for my family, especially with the latest news that we are expecting a boy! He (we still aren't certain what his name will be yet!) will be the very first grandson following 3 beautiful and vibrant granddaughters. He will definitely know how to be around/handle/treat women growing up! haha. My nieces have already told me that they can't wait to play with him and dress him up...this shall be fun!

Following being very thankful for my family, I am extremely thankful for my friends, co-workers and clients (who are more like friends now!) I honestly couldn't ask for a better job and support of those that I see everyday. It sure makes going through this pregnancy a lot more enjoyable and exciting! I appreciate all their kind words and encouragement when I am feeling very tired and not wanting to work out...way to keep me going!! Steve, the owner of the gym, threw a wonderful Xmas party last weekend, which was a are some pics:

My handsome hubby (the man behind the Belly!)

The Boss Man and his main squeeze Lindy (another trainer).

Beverly and Desha (the tough chicks). I train them plus they work in Childcare (aka, future babysitters!!)

The Baldies, Asim and Dave

Desha again...I just love this girl!

Well, it's hard to believe that we are now more than halfway through this pregnancy. Boy, time sure does fly by! The next thing I know is that I will be in the hospital trying to come to reality that I must push a watermelon out of a much smaller hole...I try not to think about it too much yet! (yes, I am in denial and happy in this place at the moment)

New Side Effects:

- For some reason I am unable to spell the simplest words these days. Writing has always been my thing and now I send emails to friends and family that have words misspelled...sorta embarrassing!

- The spelling issue is joyously joined with not being able to talk and make sense...AT ALL sometimes! I can't spit out what I want to say and then when it does come out, it's all messed up. You gotta love Pregnancy Brain!

- Sleeping is becoming interesting. I can't seem to get comfortable and my hips constantly hurt throughout the night...gee, I can't wait to get even bigger! I am going to need stairs soon to get in and out of bed. :)

- Ok, I will FINALLY admit it....I am becoming emotional...AAaahhhhh!! It's not bad and I don't have mood swings (ha, yet!) but I notice myself tearing up over silly commercials and movies. I am NOT a crier and it's so embarrassing for me, so I try to hold it back and hide it especially when Cory is with me! (hehe, this will be a surprise for Cory when he reads it if I have been good at hiding it!)

New Cravings:

- York peppermint patties!! They are the perfect size to grab and go. YUMMY! In fact, I need one right now! :)

- I still love the peanut butter and crackers!

- Blackened salmon...a must at least 1-2 times a week.

- FruSundaes! If you have an Edible Arrangements near you then you NEED to check this out! They have a fruit sundae that is to die for. You get to choose what kind of fruit you want (it is the best fruit you will ever doesn't compare to grocery store stuff!) and they put melted chocolate all over it....woohoo, my mouth is watering as I type!

Here are the most recent Belly Pics:

20 weeks

21 weeks


Debralea said...

Ha...I had the EXACT same pregnancy brain! So frustrating! I had to proof read all my e-mails at work about 4 times! It took me twice as long to get work done. Terrible! I definitely feel your pain there. (and I caught myself crying at commercials too - just silly!)

Happy Pregnancy and have a Merry Merry Christmas!

JoElla Reinhardt said...

You are so beautiful! And your boobs are getting huge!!!! Man oh man! I am super excitd for you and Cory, I know y'all will be amazing parents! Thanks for the sweet comment on my blog...I've had better Decembers...but just like anything else, this to shall pass! Keep posting the belly picts!

Andrea W. said...

Yea a boy!! That's exciting! I am not too surprised by the news.

Pregnancy brain is frustrating... it doesn't get much better when you move on to "Mommy brain."

Debralea said...

How's that baby boy doing? How are you? You haven't updated in a while. ;)