Monday, October 27, 2008

Ren Fest and Going into the 15 week of Pregnancy!

Two weekends ago my family came to stay with us so that we could all go to the Renaissance Festival. We all had such a great time and it was so cute to see the girls dressed up in their faeries outfits! Cory and I love hanging around these girls but were exhausted when they left. How do you moms do it?!?! I guess we will be finding out before we know at a time thank goodness! :) Here are some pics:

Ava and Ashlyn happily in their costumes

Little Miss Kora happy as always

I can't believe that Blake lets her do that to him...OUCH! She's a strong little thing!

Ava and Uncle Cory...they were so cute together that day (she wouldn't leave him alone!)

Princess Kora again. We are so glad that Kim and Blake decided to have a 3rd!!

On the pregnancy front, we are now in the 15th week! Time is really flying by and luckily I feel great. So far the only thing expanding is my waist, although I am a little disappointed that I have yet to see any enlargement in my chest. :( I keep waiting for these suckers to appear...just to see what it would be like to have a nice set. HAHA! My belly seems to grow overnight and yesterday I told Cory that the site of it makes me laugh. I think its funny...maybe not in a couple months from now. I am officially wearing the beloved B-Buckle at all times now with my pants. If you have been pregnant, are, or will be in the future then I highly recommend investing in this comforting piece of fabric!!!! Check out the website at, I promise you will LOVE it! Thanks again to my sis for buying this for me!!

I think that I felt the baby move this past week as I was watching TV in bed. I told Cory and he said it was probably just gas (another wonderful side effect in the 2nd trimester). I still think that I felt it move. Here are some updates on the last couple weeks. I know that some of you are thinking about starting a family soon and like to read about a preggers experience (JoElla, hopefully!! ;) and then there are those who can totally relate!

My recent cravings: CHEESE!! I have to have cheese everyday all day long...string cheese, shredded cheese, Laughing Cow cheese, cream cheese, and of course baked cheetos (if this counts)! I am still josin' for orange juice and have it available at all times.

Cory's recent cravings: Beer and icecream...NO JOKE! He is also starting to feel as exhausted as me for no reason, so it must be sympathy exhaustion...haha, GOOD!

New surprises: Bladder seems to keep getting smaller...ugh. Stomach is also getting squished, so now I can't eat as much in one sitting. Acne on my face is getting better surprisingly BUT it has moved to my back...AHHhhh, I have never had back acne...great!!! Sleeping is getting more difficult and uncomfortable (tossing and turning all night). Dreams are frequent and vivid!

The #1 best side effect in the 2nd Trimester is: *Dad, if you are reading this then you may want to stop, I warned you*


Ok ladies, first of all, we all got in this situation because of 'making love' so don't get all squimish on me. Second, we need to let all the soon-to-be mothers in the 1st trimester know that it DOES get better! And lastly, you know it's amazing (I can sense all of your smiles right now). A woman's libido in the 2nd trimester sky rockets like you wouldn't believe. I remember reading about it in books and online but wasn't sure I believed it after not feeling too hot in the 1st trimester but IT'S TRUE! For those of you who didn't have this joyous side effect...I am truly sorry! This makes me NEVER want to get on the pill again!!! WOO HOO! :)

*Ok Dad, it's safe now...continue on...*

Here are some belly pics: Week 13

While the girls were in town, we took a belly pic together. Stinker Miss Ava cracked all of us up the whole time with her poses and facial expressions...hince in the next picture!

Being silly

Week 14: This picture blew me away when I saw it! Cory just started laughing.

How did it get so big so fast?!?!?! Crazy!

Front pose with a bit of Lola and my beloved B-buckle! What a life saver!

Lola had to push her way between my legs to get in the picture...such a ham!

1 comment:

JoElla Reinhardt said...

You are so stinkin' funny! I'm glad to know that I can rely on you to give me the real play by play...with no sugar coating! I love it! You are so beautiful are beautiful everyday but I love seeing you as a preggers!