Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Officially in the 2nd Trimester!

It's hard to believe but we are now 13-14 weeks along and just had our 2nd appointment yesterday! It went very well besides the fact that our doctor was running extremely late and we had to wait for over an hour. The good news was that he felt bad and brought in the sonogram machine on the house!!! We were excited to see how much progress Baby A had made and what a huge transformation...amazing! The baby actually looks like a human instead of a little jumping bean and it was relieving to know that everything looked great. He/She is now a whole 3 inches. :) He captured a lot of pictures for us to keep, one of which is my favorite....A GIG 'EM THUMB!!! The baby brought up his/her hand and gave us a gig 'em sign, which we all thought was hilarious. I believe this one could be a thumb sucker too...just like his/her mommy was. :) I will have to admit though, trying to break that habit was HARD! My poor Mom did everything she could to get me to stop and I think the one thing that did it was my dad saying, "you don't want to get caught in school sucking your thumb like a baby do you?" Way to go in scaring me Dad!

My latest meal concoction that grossed Cory out was: baked Cheetos, grapes, triscuits and cheese, and edamame....Oh yeah, it was good!

The one thing that I have to have everyday that I did not like before pregnancy: orange juice

The thing that I would love to change about being pregnant: My skin going through puberty all over again!! I thought those miserable days were behind me. I was greatly mistaken!

The Doc said that we might be able to find out what the baby is by Thanksgiving but we shall see. I am so anxious! I have not done any shopping yet and I think it is partly because I really need to know what we are having first. After we find out...the shopping begins! I can't wait to hit the Christmas fairs and festivals, especially the Junior League's Christmas Affair in Austin!

Here is a picture at 12 weeks:

Lola like to pose for pictures too! She is a mama's girl and wants to do everything that I am doing. Silly girl!


JoElla Reinhardt said...

You are so stinkin' cute! Seriously! Keep posting all of the good stuff that people don't tell you about the acne, etc...that way I will have a clue as to what I am getting myself into some day! Love you! Thanks for the sweet comment about my Papa! We had a blast together!

Debralea said...

Well, from my experience, the orange juice craving means BOY! I craved it and my cousin who had 2 boys also craved it. Not proven, but I'm going to go on the record and say it's a BOY!!! And, funny story about "buying stuff". We were TOLD girl, then 3 weeks later it was a boy! Here's the whole story...

Keep the updates coming! :) And pregnancy looks great on you, acne and all!